A Pirate, Special Forces, and A sweetheart bat!

Best decorated house

Ian's haunted house he made in school

Getting ready to carve the Pumpkin

Isaac picked this Pumpkin out on his field trip
to the Pumpkin patch with his preschool.

Chocolate ghosts and spiders we made

More chocolate suckers we made


Halloween cupcakes we made.
Trick or treating was a lot of fun this year. All 3 kids
got into it. Isaac would yell trick or treat before anyone
opened the door. Emery would practice inbetween houses
saying " Trick or Treat, let me in". Luckily she did not say
that to anyone. Then when someone wouldn't answer the
door, she would say in kinda of a sad mad voice" They
won't give us our candy back". It was so funny. And of
course Ian was a pro, leading the way. We had a lot of
fun this Halloween!