Saturday, August 15, 2009

Emery turns 1 1/2

Emery has such a fun personality. She is a very
independent child. If she sees you do it she thinks
she can too. She has to carry her backpack into
school everyday and if you try to stop her she gets
really mad. She will eat almost anything, She is 31 in.
and 20 lbs 12 oz. She moved up percentiles in both areas.
Our doctor says she is way ahead for a kid her age.
She loves to take a rag and pretend to clean. She
lays down when you say it times to change your
diaper and she has been showing interest in the
potty already. she loves to sit on it. She is talking
more and more all day long. She loves to wear hats
and tackle the boys. She is really growing up!

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