Sunday, February 19, 2012


Not much happen in January. We had a great New Year's Eve at our neighbor's house. We decided to start planning a trip to Disneyland. All the boys went back to school. Mostly we just hung out. I did go see One for the Money at the end of the month with my friend Jodi. This movie is based off the Stephanie Plum series written by Janet Evanovich. It is one of my favorite sets of books. Thought the movie was super cute! Not much snow this winter which I love! Can't wait for it to get warm!
Funny moments from Jan:  
Emery asked me when she would grow up and be a boy. I said never. She said that was okay because she was going to grow up and be batman and drive in the batbill.  
Isaac has started "whatevered" me and walking off.
Walked past Emery's room and she was saying "dear momma you are my very bestest friend "

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